Thursday, 12 August 2010

Lindsay Lohan gets a break: Judge who jailed her backs off case

Lindsay Lohan may still be stuck in rehab, but she received some potentially good news this week: Judge Marsha Revel has recused herself from Lohan’s case.

Revel removed herself from the case last Friday, court spokesman Allan Parachini and district attorney’s office spokeswoman Jane Robison said yesterday. As per the Huffington Post, prosecutors had complained about Revel’s conduct during the case, alleging the judge improperly communicated with participants and experts in the case privately.

According to Robison, the judge had failed to tell prosecutors about her private meetings on more than one occasion. At one point, Robison claimed, Revel spoke with officials at the Morningside Recovery rehabilitation facility about the potentially sending Lohan there after her jail sentence – even though Morningside was not on the list that court-appointed experts had provided. (Revel did eventually select Morningside, but was convinced by Lohan’s lawyer to send her to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center instead.)

Beverly Hills Superior Court Judge Elden Fox has stepped in as the new judge in charge of Lohan’s case. The law clerk for Judge Revel refused to comment, and court officials had nothing more to say in the matter.

Source: Vancouver Sun

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